In line with Alex’s interest in birds of prey, I organised a visit to ‘Full flight’ which had an open day at it’s new location near Ballarat. It was a long drive with these 2, they are not fans of being in the car for too long.
The bird show was great – it included Alex wearing a falconer’s glove and having a whistling kite land on him. He also got to give Zorro the wedge tailed eagle a pat again, and get up close for a snuggle with a baby barking owl! We also saw a peregrine falcon catching a lure. It was pretty awesome for Alex, though Daniel was not so impressed and was quite restless. Worth the drive, but I won’t be making a habit out of it just yet!
Alex went to the movies with Vio that night to watch ‘Pan’. We don’t often take him due to the expense, but Vio was gifted a free pass. It was some nice quality time before the next day with Vio due to leave for GC.
We took Vio to the airport and the kids got to look at planes a little more closely. Alex is quite interested in fighter planes but this was a good opportunity for him. Alex got upset as we said goodbye, as did I. 4 days without daddy! Alex asked how many hours it was going to be. We worked out that it was 104. We spent the rest of the day with Vio’s sister. Alex had a nice distraction by playing with his cousins. Daniel got next to no sleep so he was in bed early that night which Alex pounced upon to announce as ‘special time’.
We played junior monopoly. Alex got most of the properties and was clearly going to win, but when I landed on a property that he wanted he got upset. I explained it was the dice and not my choice – I often let him re-roll until he gets what he wants, a lesson in chance and probability?? lol. I mentioned the shape of the dice as a cube. Alex remembered ‘the cube’ from transformers, and started telling me about it’s six sides each a square. We recently talked about the angle in a square being 90 degrees – a ‘right angle’, I forget why.
The following day we went to a park play date with his friends that are now in school. Alex swapped back his transformers. that morning we had struggled to find one for them and I am sorry to say I was not as patient as I should have been. The park we visited is a usual homeschool group park. So Alex is very familiar with it. The kids started building a camp.
The rest of that day and the following, we stayed at home playing trains or in the garden, often on the trampoline. In fact, we were in PJs until 4pm when we had to get changed to take Alex to ju-jitsu. We also drew a new chalk snake and Alex wrote his full name. Alex has discovered a new tv show – the invisimals. I’ve seen a few episodes briefly with him. Daniel is still loving Totoro and Thomas Tank!