Sunday morning took us to a nearby park where the council had organised for ‘the snakehandler’ to give a talk on snakes that we would find in the area. Alex enjoyed seeing the snakes of course, and both boys got to touch one. It was frustrating though as there were lots of noisy kids. Alex listened for the most part, but it was a long talk and so we went off to play. Plus he knows a lot about snakes and probably doesn’t want to listen to the same bites of information that would be given at demonstrations like this.

Afterwards we went to get Alex a haircut. He asked the barber for his own haircut (like the boy before him) and was so happy with his hair afterwards! He’s since been asking me if it still looks good and if I can do his hair for him, lol.
First day of the school holidays and what does Alex want to do? Go to Scienceworks. To top it off it was a wet day and so it was very very busy! We went into the tyrannosaurs exhibit again, and made trex masks. My highlight was that we found a noughts and crosses machine! Unfortunately Daniel was not prepared to hang around for Alex to play with it more, but he got to play against the machine. It was a nice and relevant find as we’ve been playing it heaps lately.