We found some new transformer episodes on Netflix! Alex has not been watching much iPad or TV. Not long into the watching though, he asked to play transformers!

We attended a council event at a park where ‘Full flight’ was giving a talk on birds of prey. Alex was excited the day before, but getting him up that morning was difficult. Sometimes I struggle with letting him just be when he doesn’t want to transition and encouraging it. I knew it would be a shame for him to miss the opportunity. I’m gald we went as he learnt quite a bit about the birds, and got to see several in the flesh and even pat a wedge tailed eagle named Zorro! Alex was running off facts he’d heard for the next few days (and I thought he wasn’t listening!)
Daniel has been keen to read lately. His favourite books have animals (mostly monkeys and giraffes) and trains in them. He takes them in the car with us. he’s also really enjoyed the Grug series that he received for his birthday.
Since we’ve been playing transformers so much, I had promised Alex a trip to toy shop to buy more if he saved $30. I contributed (too much) more and we ended up with quite a collection! I got carried away with his enthusiasm as we’ve been using other toys as pretend transformers. Daniel has been wanting to build lots of train tracks so we’ve all been doing that too. Being outside on the trampoline is also a favourite of the kids and I am required to join in every time! Alex and I had a good game of frisbee too which we’ve never really done for more than a few throws before. It was fun and i could see Alex working out how to get the frisbee to me – at the start he just flung it but as he saw my attempts flying he became interested in replicating it, and I am no frisbee expert!