We took another trip to Serendip Sanctuary to see it at our own pace. Alex told me that he wasn’t interested in birds generally, just birds of prey (and pigeons of course!!) We didn’t see much other than a Tawny Frogmouth (in captivity and wild). But it was a nice few hours.
On the way, Alex said that he loved to play ‘I spy’. One of us usually initiates it on long drives. However on this occasion Alex was telling me about how many wheels a truck would have if it has so many only on one side – this happened after we passed a long truck and I commented that there were 9 wheels on that side, to which Alex quickly replied ‘so it has 18 altogether’. Alex then made up a game where we had to see a truck and say the first letter of the number of carriages it had. I don’t know how he knew that ‘o’ was the first letter in the word ‘one’, but he soon discovered that there were only one or two carriages trucks around and so the game ended. We then talked about how well Alex had saved his pocket money and we’ll go to the toy shop for transformers. Alex had saved $40 (he worked out 8x$5 by himself), he asked to swap for a $50. Cheeky!