Play dough, noughts and crosses, garden play, mini foosball, Wild Kratts, Transformers, Avengers…. these are all featuring in our lives on a daily basis!
Alex was asked by Soke what his best day would be. He told me at night when it was just us. Alex’s response was to train with his Dad (football). I asked why, and Alex said because he loved his daddy 🙂  Their relationship has improved, in that I mean Alex is much more accepting of spending time with Vio and is affectionate too.
I bought some car stickers at the $2 shop. Alex picked out all of the lamborghinis and ferraris and put numbers next to them to show their speeds.
Alex used some boxes as part of his train track. He tested the strength of Thomas going uphill by systematically adding carriages one at a time until Thomas failed. His result he told me that 5 was good but 6 too much.