I read an interesting comment by Karen James on Sandra Dodd’s site the other day. It said how at first she was trying to do unschooling ‘right’ and it clouded her view of what was working. She decided to stop reading for a while.
I think I’m doing the same, I’m trying too hard to get unschooling right, and noticing with angst when others that call themselves unschoolers do unschooly things (some blogs I have come across). This time last year I started this blog and considered myself to be deschooling. I think I still need it, and I hate to admit that! I play with my kids a lot, now I need to really play with them and not because I’m looking for ways to enhance learning. I need to be more present I think. And no more comments about others.
We seem to be having lots of home days, this may be Alex’s way of slowing me down. Anyway, no more reading for me for a while. And my writing will be much more observant rather than evaluating. I don’t want my kids to feel as if I’m testing them, but I do want to remember how we spend our days.
This link is for me to come back to