I’ve been slowly going through some resources previously purchased when i was in ‘education’ mode and found our unused moveable alphabet. I asked Alex if he would like to keep it. At the time Daniel was sleeping, so we spent a bit of time together. We made the words ‘city’ and ‘cat’ and ‘snake’ to show different starting sounds and letters. Alex asked for these words – we have been playing a lot of ‘I spy’ and Alex is noticing the inconsistency in phonemes. He asked me to make ‘Melbourne’ which I did. Alex then took a ‘k’ and ‘m’ and said it made ‘come’. Maybe we’ll keep these afterall!
After much deliberating and having experience in borrowing a PS3, we decided that a Wii was the most suitable gaming console for our family right now, so i bought a pre-owned one and a bunch of games. Alex has been enjoying mario kart and star wars. For a kid with lots of energy, it seems like he is getting a 2 for 1 deal here – Wii is controlled with gross motor movements, unlike PS3 which he found difficult to hold. Hopefully this will help use up his enormous stores of energy and we can avoid an explosion after prolonged stillness that gaming usually implies!

Another football gala this weekend, followed by presentation at the dojo. Alex came away pretty proud with his 3rd karate merit. He also showed me some of his writing that he did at a karate lesson. The word ‘ki-ai’ was in his book, written by Soke. Surrounding it were a whole bunch of little k’s – Alex told me he was trying to make his look the same as Soke’s! Who needs handwriting practice when you have intrinsic motivation like that.