Alex has had football galas for the past 2 Saturdays. He really enjoys these events and has a really good team spirit. It’s quite interesting to see other families and how they support their children in such events. There’s a lot of pressure on the kids and emphasis on goals and winning. Alex has said that he enjoys goal keeping. Vio took him along to a recent training session with his U10s and Alex participated as goalie in the game. He really enjoyed it and we said we’d get him his own gloves. Vio is very passionate about youth football and we hope to get more involved in the future.
The weekend weather was absolutely terrible and so we stayed home to hibernate. This involved the heater, some play, and screens galore! Since then, and the revolution Alex had about making choices (and how hard it is sometimes), Alex’s iPad use has significantly decreased. He is spending more time playing. Perhaps he has exhausted Netflix for now!
I had wanted to go to the museum for ages as I wanted to visit the discovery centre which I had not known about before. There happened to be a homeschool meet that day which had changed from a park due to bad weather. We didn’t really get involved in the meet up, though we saw some friends from our local group. Unfortunately they did not want to play with Alex and he ended up in tears. It’s happened quite a lot recently. Fortunately Alex is happy to hang out with his mum still so off we went to explore. The discovery centre had hundreds of specimens contained in drawers, with a good range of birds which satisfied Alex’s current interests. The pictures came out rather dark and so I can’t include them here. There were also little themed workstations and microscopes. We will definitely return!
One of Alex’s favourite parts is the forest gallery, so we walked through there in the rain! We also went outside. The boys played together with the skipping ropes, each using them as a tail and running around. We also used them for skipping and Alex made a few jumps. It was nice for all three of us to be involved in a single activity happily.

Our walk through the animals and another brief talk on taxidermy led us upstairs. I remembered the display on the digestive system and took Alex to see as he had recently asked how ‘caca’ was made. The display is quite interesting as the end of it is a button that makes a farting noise and of course it is very well utilised! There was a model of the digestive system too.
Later in the week we attended a lego club which has just been started by another homeschool family at their home. I was hoping that Alex would find lego a little more interesting if he saw others using it, especially older boys. It lasted about half an hour when Alex asked to play with something else. I told him we’d need to leave as it was a lego club and so we left! Clearly lego is not his thing!
We had another meet up with some local homeschoolers the following day for some nature activities. Alex was not overly interested in being set to work on an activity and so it did not last long. He played with some of the other kids briefly but I don’t think it was a great morning for him. In the afternoon we were back to gymnastics and karate. The evening, things just got a little crazy. Perhaps there had been too many transitions that day but Alex was very unsettled. There were lots of random shouts (which make us all jump. This particular time I got scared and I’m sorry to say rather angry).
There’s lots planned for the next few weeks with tickets to the Lion King and Erth’s dinosaur. Looking forward to it!