So my very considered purchase of the rather expensive toy that is ‘magnetic tiles’ has been a hit! Alex has been building towers, creating a farm (including a secret hidden wardrobe for his iron man suits – lol), discovering the net shape that makes a box and creating stealth planes! Daniel has had a bit of a go with them too. But they are a bit trickier for his little hands.

We also decided to cut Daniel’s hair a little after this picture:

Vio had a Sunday without an early morning start for a football game and so we decided to head to Werribee zoo. It had been a long time since we have done a family zoo trip, and a few months since the kids and I had visited Werribee zoo. So we packed a lunch, got lucky with the sunshine and enjoyed our day together.

After this day of beautiful sunshine we had two cold and mostly wet days. So we hibernated, playing with magnetic tiles, watching Netflix, discovering a new game app based on the Ninjago series Alex has started watched where he gets to be a lego ninja. I also found a ‘create a lightsaber’ app. Alex wanted a double pink one, but of course that option was locked. So we agreed that I would pay for it as his next week’s pocket money.