
Daniel’s journey to walking

The little man has had a rough time on his journey of mobility. Early days saw him getting osteo treatment for being unable to hold his head up for long which I suspect was due to the way he was birthed. Bit anyway, Daniel responded perfectly to treatment (thanks Penne) and was crawling at 7mths. We assumed he’d be walking early just to be part of the madness, but Daniel was quite content and very quick at getting around.
Daniel at 10mths

At 15 mths , Daniel started to walk. However, in a few days, he had what I thought was a routine fall. But he wouldn’t walk anymore, or even stand without crying. So after a few hours we took him to the doctor, who x-rayed his leg and found a break! I couldn’t believe how it could have happened after such an innocent fall. SO off to the hospital to get his leg set in plaster.


Leg in plaster, with a sock over the top to preserve *some* integrity of the bandage!

After 3 weeks,the plaster was removed. But little man still not keen on walking until about a month later, just before 17mths he started to walk. But now there’s no stopping him 🙂

First wet day and walking in gumboots

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