
Bitten by a snake

So Alex loves snakes, and has done for more than 6 months now. I decided to join the VHS (Vic Herpetological Society) as a family. This would give us access to information and a reptile expo coming up in March. But as an added bonus, the VHS secretary invited us into his home to see his snake collection! Now Alex’s favourite snakes are pythons, he likes them I think because they are the longest. Well the reticulated python holds the record. It’s fortunate that they aren’t venomous I guess because they are common pets. Before we went we watched some youtube videos on hatching and shedding and snakes laying eggs. Then  off we drove in early January to Ringwood to be introduced to the snake collection. Alex got to hold some young snakes, and got bitten by one! This is not as bad as it sounds, it was intentional and I did it first. It’s like a little needle prick. It’s certainly an experience!
Alex holding a yearling python – the one that bit him.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA     Alex then got to feed the snakes with little mice. He also saw some bigger pythons in their enclosures. Alex was not afraid to ask many questions, which was great. He also got to feed a bearded dragon.

Feeding corn to a dragon!

This was a great experience for us all and alex walked away from it with a more personal and hands on learning than any of the many books and videos we have watched could have shown us. We got to take home a souvenir too….

A complete shedding from a python

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