And Alex learned to ride a pedal bike sans stabilisers. He’s had a balance bike since he turned 2 and has loved. I think it really paid off, as he spent only a few minutes each time he’s tried the ‘big’ bike. On the third go he got it! We have been asking him intermittently if he’d like to ride the bigger bike, and he’d declined. Out of nowhere he asked me to take him outside and help him. I guess he was ready. This will be a happy memory for him: he wasn’t pushed into it, there was no fear of failure or shame, and the smile on his face in the moments that he went solo will be remembered. We did take video, but it seems to have removed itself from my camera and I am deeply disappointed.
The kids also played together without my help! Daniel gestured to the wooden train tracks that we have. Alex made him a small track and they played for about 10 minutes (until Daniel hit Alex over the head with a piece of track – oops).