
Since Kinder

We withdraw Alex from kinder in August. Since then we’ve seen a few changes. The most noticeable for me is the way he socialises. There were times in the past where he seemed overwhelmed in groups, and would often end up positioned as an aggressor. This rarely happens now, and I don’t think it is simply down to maturity, it’s only been a few months after all. I think it’s because he is no longer overwhelmed. For the most part he gets to choose who he surrounds himself with, he has the option to go or not.

The other thing I have noticed is the absence of ‘dobbing’. This act suddenly appeared, within only a week or two of starting kinder. Since leaving it has stopped, completely. I had become so used to it that I didn’t notice until we meet with schooled friends that frequently ‘dob’. I imagine that now he sees the removal of the controller (kinder teacher) and I hear him deal with things himself (“stop doing that I don’t like it”). Unfortunately the name calling has stuck! It’s not the silly or even rude words that bother me but the intent. I’m not sure how he sees it yet, but I will persist and let him know that feelings get hurt by words as well as fists.

Aside from this, we have been busy. Busy living! We’ve let go of television. Released our grip on food. Those were really the only ways of living that prevented us from labelling ourselves as ‘unschoolers’. Television was the hard one for me, I was out of my comfort zone in the beginning. As expected, Alex binged. Why wouldn’t he?  The days where we had plans and he didn’t want to go but favoured TV were particularly hard. Two months later he still watches a lot of TV, particularly movies. And he loves snake documentaries. He learns a lot through this medium. The difference is that I’m less concerned by it. I still have times where I’d prefer he do something else. But that’s my issue which I am not imposing upon him. Sometimes I suggest an activity/outing to include the whole family or just to take a break. But I rarely insist.

Back to deschooling some more…

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